Why Being At One Company Less Than 12 Months Isn’t A Bad Thing!!

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  • 05 Nov 2023

Variety. Adaptability. Ambition.

These are just three of the many positive things you gain from having only worked a short time in one business. Take a look at my background for example! You’ve had the guts to start in a role and say, “You know what, this isn’t for me” and simply moved on. Or you may have been shown the door. You weren’t right. You didn’t fit in well. You simply didn’t succeed in that role. Who cares? Move on.

Do you stay in a relationship when not all parties are happy? No. You move on and get on with life.

So, let’s break down some of the positives of being a ‘job hopper.’


You’ve tried many different roles. You understand different people, different cultures, a variety of projects, and even the size of an organisation and how it operates. It’s all relative to the next place you work, even if it’s simply a contrasting experience.


You’re comfortable starting afresh. You know how to blend in and you’ve had that many first days, you slot right in and know how to break the ice. You’ve likely been in many different situations and learned what worked and what didn’t. When the game changes, you know how to adjust the way you play it.


You’re confident and self-aware enough to realise that if you’re not happy, you will move on to something better. You’re a go getter. If you were shown the door, then it was likely inevitable. Good people DO get moved on too. You just may not be right for that business at that particular time. That doesn’t mean you lack ambition.

In my role as a temp and contract recruitment consultant, I hear the word “tenure” far too often. The world is changing and so are the people in it. With the myriad of choice we are exposed to every day, commitment is hard to come by in many situations. What makes employment any different?

Just because Loyal Larry has worked at Bob’s Burgers for over 12 years, doesn’t mean he’s the best employee they’ve ever had. He may be the laziest, non-ambitious person you could imagine – but he simply shows up to work every day. The manager doesn’t have to worry who’s going to open up, because he knows Larry will be there. Yes, he may mess up the food delivery for the day. He may not mop the floors all that well. But he’s always there, and of course – he’s got tenure!

Jumpy Joe on the other hand, well, he is a GUN! The floors are always spotless, he’s always across the deliveries and he, like Larry, is always there when he should be. Joe, however, doesn’t have tenure. He’s only been in the business for 6 months and prior to that he was at another burger joint for only 3 months. Why? There could be lots of reasons. He may have moved house to a different suburb. He might have not have fit in with the people he worked with. He may have been offered a pay rise. He could have been offered the opportunity to work on a different part of the business and learn something new. Or he could have just simply needed a change.

What am I getting at here?

Tenure doesn’t mean that someone is better or worse at their job. Tenure is simply the measurement of time in a role, nothing more. It is not an indication that person will desert you 2 months into the role, or that they’re lazy, flighty or disloyal. Sometimes it’s the exact opposite.

So next time you’re hiring someone or looking for a new job, think outside the box. Ask questions and offer information. Dates on a CV make absolutely no difference at all. There are far more important things you should be looking at, like that person’s skillset, culture fit and how they can add value to your business.

Still not convinced?

Take a look at my LinkedIn profile and see how many times I’ve changed jobs. I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that I embody all of the above positives, and I’m pretty bloody good at my job.

Back yourself, or better still…back someone else!

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